Saturday, April 4, 2009

just got pants, don't got shoes!

i remember reading a long time ago that one of the most obviously important things about a good blog is consistent updating. suffice it to say, my sense of utter failure has been going strong for quite a while now. speaking of failures, last weekend i made a pair of geta, those japanese sandals with either 1 or 2 little stilts, you know what i'm talking about- just for the hell of it. yeah, no. didn't bother with lightweight wood because hey, how heavy could they be? also, geta are not meant to be worn indoors (i'm pretty sure no shoes of any kind are okay in the house in japan) but indoors is the only place in roxbury these things would ever go anyway, and heavy clunky sandals on hardwood floors just don't work. well, it was interesting enough despite all that. they would have gone great with kate's halloween costume, uh, when was that - like 8 years ago or something... but what am i going to do with them now?


Blogger eo said...

Hey check this out !

It mentions those shoes you made.


April 7, 2009 at 10:47 AM  
Blogger The Hyena said...


May 14, 2009 at 11:29 PM  

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